TCM is a medical system that began its development in China about 5,000 years ago.It’s hard to explain what TCM is in simple words since itis an indispensable part of the splendid Chinese culture and based on some theories in Chinese philosophy.Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that our body interacted with all aspects of life and the environment. The aspects included the seasons, weather, time of day, our diet and emotional states. TCM sees the key to health as the harmonious and balanced functioning of bodyand spirit.
Doestheexplanation puzzle you? If you feel it complicated to understand, it’s reasonable. TCM is based on some ancient beliefs in China. To help you better understand what it is,you need to knowsome basic ideas. These beliefs include the following:
TCM is based on a philosophy of balance with nature. The understanding of the human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe.The human body is a miniature version of the larger, surrounding universe. In other words individuals are viewed as a part of the forces of nature.
TCM believes a human's body is a self-regulating system. Internally, it regulates to achieve a balance between each part, but sometimes it needs some outside help (with the help of TCM) to achieve that balance.
Qi,(pronounced chee), is also called life energy or vital energythat flows through the body, and it performs multiple functions in maintaining health. Qi runs throughout our body, though it can’t be directly measured, or even detected through any known means. TCM believes it does exist and it’s always on the move and constantly changes. TCM practitioners see disease as the result of disruptions in themovement or the transformationof qi.
Health isthe result of balance betweenyin andyang. Yin andyang are two opposing yet complementary forces in all things,for example, female-male, dark-light and old-young.Everything in life has a little bit of its opposite, too. When you balance the yin and yang ofqi, you feel healthy and well. If they’re out of whack, you feel sick. Yin andyang arealsoused to describe the qualities of qi.
TCMhelps to live in harmony with natural environment with the aim of keeping all aspects of a person including mind, body, and spirit, in a state of harmony and balance so that diseasenever has a chance to develop.